Climate change is one of the single biggest systemic risks facing society and the planet today. The Investment Association, representing the UK-based investment management industry, is committed to climate action.
The IA Position on Climate Change, most recently updated in July 2022, makes clear our support for the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to well below 2°C (and preferably to 1.5°C) compared to pre-industrial levels, and the global goal on adaptation of enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change.
We also recognise the important role of terrestrial and marine ecological systems and biological diversity in preventing climate change, as well as the harmful effects climate change is having on the conservation of biological diversity.
As the trade body for UK investment managers with a membership of over 250 firms who collectively manage £10trn, we seek to use our convening power to share knowledge and expertise within the investment management industry and to build coalitions of financial institutions to progress net zero alignment.
We have published this Climate Change Action Plan as part of our ongoing commitment to further action and have identified four core pillars through which our industry is able to contribute to positive climate action:
By working with asset owners, investors and savers to make informed choices;
By supporting the integrity, quality and consistency of climate and sustainability disclosures;
By working with UK government to support the UK’s net zero ambition and to lead international efforts to bring about global and systemic change; and
As a business and employer, here at the IA, we look to our own corporate operations and work towards carbon neutrality.