Investment20/20 was founded 10 years ago by industry leaders to provide an alternative and accessible entry point to the sector. It developed out of a sector wide requirement for an agile solution to drive forward equity, diversity, and inclusion in early careers recruitment, and to build a community which supports those individuals who join the industry.
Collaborating on the Investment20/20 programme brings the industry together to address issues that are larger than one firm alone, such as reaching out to communities of potential new talent through our outreach programme, helping to position individual employers and the wider industry.
In a busy and ever-evolving landscape, keeping abreast of industry priorities is pivotal to drive impactful change. Our Standing Committee, led by our Chair Jane Ivinson, and made up of senior leaders from member firms and the education sector, ensures Investment20/20 remains reflective of the industry landscape and respond to the changing needs of the sector and stakeholders.
See what some of our members have to say about the impact of being an Investment20/20 member.