Engaging Future Talent
Now more than ever young people need access to inspirational careers stories and opportunities to participate in work related learning to help them explore future pathways. Our careers and talent team have an exciting autumn term of activities and events planned to engage students in schools, colleges and universities in thinking about a career in investment management, all delivered virtually.
Virtual Career Insights
A four-session programme, delivered in conjunction with Investment20/20 members, aimed at final year undergraduates. Students will connect with people working in a range of different jobs in the sector and develop their knowledge of career pathways.
Think Investments Programme
A six module sequential programme delivered in conjunction with Investment20/20 member firms, targeted at Year 13 and undergraduate students to whom investment management is new. Students receive an insight into key topics such as ESG and technology, alongside expert support on all aspects of the recruitment process from CV’s to video interviews and psychometric tests.
Virtual Career Workshops
School, college and university-based workshops are still in high demand, and for the time being delivered in the classroom via video conferencing.
Career Adviser Sessions
Supporting teachers and Careers Advisers to learn more about the sector is important, and we have two careers advisers sessions in October that includes employers and trainees.
Instagram Q&A's
We have a number of Instagram Q&A’s planned for autumn term featuring our employer partners. These enable students to post questions and get responses directly from Trainees and Apprentices.