2. Data should only be collected to fulfil a clear and defined purpose:
The IA underscores the need for clarity in the purpose of data collection, including the regulators' plan for using the data and how the mandated collection and reporting of specific data characteristics align with their objectives. The importance of articulating the purpose and use of data is highlighted to build trust and encourage voluntary disclosure. The industry-wide EDI survey conducted by the IA demonstrates a correlation between data disclosure and meaningful use, emphasising the need for purpose-driven data collection. Without clarity, firms may face challenges in obtaining comprehensive data disclosure.
3. Any measures should be able to be implemented in a proportionate and effective way:
The IA advocates for flexibility in implementing EDI strategies within large firm groups, cautioning against prescriptive methods that may introduce complexities. The proposed entity-based reporting is misaligned with the governance of large groups, where culture and reporting typically occur at the group level. Mandating targets and public disclosures may not achieve desired outcomes and may expose firms to liability. Furthermore, additional clarification would be welcomed to ensure a consistent industry-wide approach to non-financial misconduct.