New crises have hit boardrooms - the climate crises, social unrest, declining staff wellbeing, Black Lives Matter, and women’s safety, to name a number of key issues. Boards, particularly those in FS where diversity has been a blind spot, have started to look at their own composition, ESG strategy, and the tone and culture they are setting from the top.
This period of self-reflection is quite timely, as we prepare for the re-integration of a physical working world. The FT reported, post the Prime Minister’s announcement of a post-summer lockdown ease, that many firms were undergoing an in-depth analysis of employee and customer working preferences. For some, the route is blurred with no clear path, no best practice to lean on and an enormous cultural shift in how we carry out our work.
In a halfway house of physical and virtual, what ‘model’ should Boards adopt and how will the future of work impact recruitment, Board composition, skills and remuneration? How does this environment lend itself to governing and where is the sweet spot or comfort zone where a NED can fulfil their